Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sea Post...............

I received the package I sent home, Oh, so long ago from arrived just in time for my birthday.......a gift to mySelf.  Yippee!!!! I thought.............

Until I opened it.............knowing something important was missing.........

another lesson in non-attachment......

But OH the lovely things that WERE inside that box............

Reminding me of where I was two months so far away

And as I gave that box to the "Gods" as it left my hands to the postal worker in Darwin, Australia..........

I am eternally Grateful to 'Them'....................

That they let me keep This...................

India Flint Landskin...............

I want to Thank all of my Friends for Abundant Birthday wishes, and for Three Angels (and Their Mother ) who also decided be born on this day.........


  1. yep ...
    what a gift
    both the first
    and the second time
    you received it !

  2. nice to see it made it safely home
    hope it keeps you warm
    in the winter chills

  3. Warm best wishes on your birthday!

  4. A beautiful birthday gift to yourself!! And so now you're not so very far away, after all....
    Happy birthdays again!!
