Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shedding skins............

As I was reading India Flint's comment a few days ago about shedding skins...........I thought about a concept Julie Morganstern came up with in her book SHED Your Stuff, change your Life....... ,

SHED as an acronym..........

S = Separate the treasures

H = Heave the trash

E = Embrace your identity

D = Drive yourself forward.....

What a help to revisit this as I drive myself forward..............

And then there is the acronym for the word SPACE..........which Julie came up with too......

S = Separate

P = Purge

A = Assign

C = Containerize

E = Evaluate

Now what is FREE an acronym for?

Perhaps...... Fearlessly Realizing Eternal Evolution

Any more?

1 comment:

  1. for reel

    as in F...or REE....l

    [this is nor meant to be a fishing pun]
    it's meant to be for real!!
