Thursday, January 5, 2012


Among many much appreciated messages from friends....sending condolances and wishes for a Happy 2012........I received a note from a friend........wondering about the significance of the 555, three little birthday cakes in my last post......and that sent me to Doreen Virtue's, Angel Numbers 101 to look it up.

And what did she have to say?


"Huge changes are rumbling throughout your entire life! To keep these changes on the highest possible course, be sure to keep your thoughts positive, and stay centered in prayer and affirmations."

Well, kidding about the huge changes!  And a nice reminder about positive thoughts, prayers and affirmations.......

My morning affirmations go like this.....

After saying,  "I love you Marianna", preferably into a mirror, a la Louise Hay.......and my good friend who doesn't like to be mentioned.....very good advice........and very difficult at first....but works beautifully.

OK......after that......I say........."I flow easily in Change, I flow easily in New Directions, I flow easliy in New Experience"........then I say.........."I trust in the Process of Life.......all that I need is being taken care of, I am Safe."  and then.........I say........"I am perfect, whole and complete. I am one with Source".  I added the last one recently.....and it is so comforting to hear.....and personal to me.....would be different for you....

So that is how I do it......and I have to admit I did that every morning for almost two years.....and once I made my  move to where I live now.......I slacked off a bit.......but now I see it's good to keep saying them.......and perhaps adding another verse........

And now you know I believe in Angels.....and Louise Hay....and affirmations....and take advice from wise friends.....and I can say that has changed my life.

Tomorrow I'm off to Houston to rekindle relationships with my sibs and their kids and figure out a way to memorialize our Dad.............using the words of my sister, "in Forgiveness, Acceptance and Love."

Need I mention she is also an Angel?

And it must be noted, we are not 'Texans'.  Another story.....I digress......

Be back soon.......with more focus on Clarity and Acceptance.........and with the inspiration of that email I received today..........a committment to long walks.........for clarity......

Admittedly easier with a Dog........which I don't have......

Oh and the real significance of the three birthday cakes, for those who don't delicious grand daughters three turned 5.......on the same day I was also born........and I am driving that stake into the ground because I can and it seems important.......birthdays never meant so much until now....!  And a profound Thank You to their Mom and Dad for making that possible!


  1. safe travels huh...
    and best of wishes for your dad's memorial and connecting with sibs..
