Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thinking about Art........

Monday had me pondering my early influences........

I googled Antoni Tàpies and discovered that he had died that day.  As synchronicities abound in my life I took a deep breath.....and realized I was on the right track of 'thinking'........for that moment.

I continue..... and how this all began..... was seeing a photograph in Judy Martin's Journal of the work of Magdalena Abakanowicz.......who had great impact on me.......her ABAKANS to be specific.....

while I was an art student in the early 80's in Detroit........

The curitorial work of Mary Jane Jacob was a gift to all of us craving the combination of 

texture and spirit........

Along with she..........I was also privledged to be present at that time for an amazing exhibit of the work of

The scale and texture of this work was monumental........and seeing it again prompts my earliest memory of being so moved as a learning of those tall stones in England.......

Remembembering and recalling this experience of over 30 years ago still touches my soul.


  1. Thanks for the link to Peter and Ritzi Jacobi.

  2. Very inspiring! I don't remember ever seeing this at the DIA. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

  3. There is a nice little catalog of the Jacobi exhibit that can still be found on line and in some libraries.....
