Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Connecting Dots..........

Looking forward to the Advent of an early Spring and being treated to Snow, after Snow days......I have retreated into the world of On Line Seminars.........I delve a bit into them here.

With the cleanse.....and the long winter.....and new endings......I look forward to change in my life.  What is that change?.....I patiently wait......wait.......wait......wait......

I have learned that 'action' does not cause change.  The way I AM causes change......  and therefore I remain confused.  However, I AM PATIENT.

So here I sit.......wondering what comes next.....what comes next?.......what comes next.......?

The 'finalizing' of a long due ending.......that opens the door to a new beginning?  Freedom to make plans.....to take responsibility for my life alone?  Big questions......

All to do with the things I want to write about here.....Travel, Art and Spirit.  Meld them all together.....my life of Travel, Art and Spirit.

So why do I have a separate blog on the Metaphysical part of my Self?........still wondering that on this end......

And why does it all seem so separate still?  I travel......I make art.....I commune with Spirit.  I am most successful and happy in my travels when they involve my connecting with Spirit......for instance going to temples......being in nature......writing there.....working with natural materials......

And when I make things......they are most enjoyable, successful and seem like meditation when I invite Spirit to join in with me......they become things that seem ceremonial......and reflect my state of 'consciousness'.......

And when I am with Spirit.......I am always following my bliss.

So why do I feel somehow these dots are not connected?

and need to be........

Still following my nose on this......

and making sure my heart is connected......

to the dots.......

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